Interview with Ronald Kelly

Lets get the vitals out of the way – Name: Ronald Kelly DOB: 11/20/1959 Birthplace: Nashville, Tennessee City of Residence: Brush Creek, Tennessee Marital Status: Married (28 years) Children: Three (2 daughters, one son) Pets: An ultra-hyper Jack Russel terrier named Toby INTO THE MACBRE: When did you first start writing? RONALD KELLY: I beganContinue reading “Interview with Ronald Kelly”

Live Girls – Ray Garton

Surprises happen all the time – getting that lady in the drive-thru that is refreshingly pleasant and doesn’t bitch about how shitty of a job she has, finding a $20 bill in your pants pocket that you didn’t know you had, randomly finding that gem of a horror movie that you’ve never heard of beforeContinue reading “Live Girls – Ray Garton”

Icefire – Robert C. Wilson

Wilson’s ICEFIRE is a doorstopper of a novel that many people poo poo because, heaven forbid, it has many words within it’s covers. I think it’s unfortunate because ICEFIRE really is a solid read. It was written in a different time period, the early 1980s. MTV was still in it’s infancy and hadn’t corrupted theContinue reading “Icefire – Robert C. Wilson”

The Hunger – Whitley Strieber

Whitley Strieber was always one of those authors that I’d heard of from the 1980s, had a handful of his paperbacks sitting on my shelf, but never pulled the trigger on. Maybe it was because he was kind of looked upon as a flake later on after he came out that he was abducted byContinue reading “The Hunger – Whitley Strieber”