A Shrill Keening – Ronald Malfi

  My first forray into Malfi, outside of a short story or two, and what an excellent choice to start with. Carl is a patient locked up in a psychiatric hospital for the murder of his wife which he has no recollection of doing. At night, he starts dreaming of leaving for the hospital toContinue reading “A Shrill Keening – Ronald Malfi”

The Hallow – Keith Deininger

  I purposely waited a couple of days to review Keith Deininger’s The Hallow. I wanted what I had just read to sink in; to chew on it and roll it around. The Hallow is a trippy, drug-induced journey into the life of James after his car breaks down and he has to resort toContinue reading “The Hallow – Keith Deininger”

Broken Sigil – William Meikle

Internal Affairs officer, Joe Connors is responding to a police officer shooting his partner when he came out of a house waving his gun at the officer and raving like a madman. The officer that was killed also happened to be his ex-best friend. The reason for being an ex-friend is because he ran offContinue reading “Broken Sigil – William Meikle”

Savage Species – Jonathan Janz

Savage Species is one of Janz’s first books and when I say his inner-Layman shows, I mean it. Blood drips from the pages as we’re introduced to the opening of the state park, Peaceful Valley. Peaceful Valley was developed on top of an unknown and elaborate cave network. What dwells in those caves is wholeContinue reading “Savage Species – Jonathan Janz”

Long Black Coffin – Tim Curran

Damn, damn, damn. Now THAT was how you do horror. Tim Curran’s Long Black Coffin actually gave me shivers – yes, shivers – and that’s something that hasn’t happened in a very long time. Long Black Coffin is a working class ghost story set in a small town in Wisconsin. Johnny Breede is your typicalContinue reading “Long Black Coffin – Tim Curran”

Best New Werewolf Tales, Vol. 1 -Edited by Carolina Smart

A compilation of short stories all pertaining to…you guessed it. Aahhrrrooooo! There were some absolute gems and a few clunkers. My absolute favorites were Maberry, Meikle, Newman, and Smith. Here’s the breakdown of each story: Like Part of the Family – Jonathan Maberry Mr. Hunter is a private detective that moved to Philadelphia. He canContinue reading “Best New Werewolf Tales, Vol. 1 -Edited by Carolina Smart”

For a howling good time, join us on Goodreads where we chomp into Glenn Rolfe’s magnificent werewolf tale, Blood and Rain. As a special treat, Glenn himself will be joining us, along the way, to give us his insight into how this masterpiece came together. You won’t want to miss this one! Aaarroooooooo!!
